IPR Environment


  • Ability to scope and direct IPR studies towards the rel­evant business aspects
  • Improves quality of IPR analysis and helps set it into correct context

Condico, with the input from its clients, describes the IP oper­ating envi­ronment, which sets the basis for any IPR analysis and land­scape studies including freedom to operate-studies. IPR ecosystem includes description of the actors in client’s value chain, def­i­n­ition of partners, sup­pliers, channels, and cus­tomers in client’s oper­ating environment.


  • Creates vis­i­bility on size and scope of com­petitors’ portfolios
  • Pro­vides high level under­standing on key patent holders of a chosen technology

Condico’s expe­rience helps our clients to decide when a land­scape study would be ben­e­ficial investment. In some business envi­ron­ments it is vital to identify com­petitors, and under­stand their activity and IPR position. Land­scape studies may provide insight on tech­nology devel­opment and where it is heading.


  • Pro­vides qual­i­tative and quan­ti­tative under­standing on potential patent risks
  • Peace of mind for the CEO and the Board

Condico’s prac­tical expe­rience gained over the years in nego­ti­ating and lit­i­gating patents globally helps our clients in under­standing typical risks they could face. The world is full of patents, but the risk level of a single patent depends on myriad of aspects. Condico crys­talizes patent risks and like­lihood of them in client’s business ecosystem.


  • Prac­tical risk man­agement process to mit­igate pos­sible patent risks
  • Effective decision-making attrib­utable to clearly defined roles and responsibilities

Condico’s expe­rience helps their clients define patent risk man­agement processes to mit­igate the risks and implement the process in practice, in case patent risk review indi­cates there is a reason to establish such.

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