Business Strategy


  • Condico’s clients benefit from rigourous strategic analyses and a 360° view on oppor­tu­nities and sce­narios: markets, partners, economics.
  • Beyond planning, Condico pro­vides hands-on business devel­opment support by con­tacting and nego­ti­ating with partners, helping to gen­erate con­crete outcomes.

Expanding to new geo­gra­phies is a natural step in a company’s devel­opment journey.

Condico ana­lyzes the business potential of new markets and pro­vides a com­par­ative analysis of market entry business models and related eco­nomics. Condico designs Go-To-Market strategies and sup­ports its clients with the cre­ation of part­ner­ships or with M&A. Condico trans­lates the expansion strategy to a financial plan, enabling quan­ti­tative com­parison of options and infor­mation for decision making.


  • Condico’s clients benefit from rigourous strategic analyses and a 360° view on oppor­tu­nities and sce­narios: markets, partners, economics.
  • Beyond planning, Condico pro­vides hands-on business devel­opment support by con­tacting and nego­ti­ating with partners, helping to gen­erate con­crete outcomes.

Diver­si­fying a company’s port­folio of products, assets, busi­nesses or business models can improve its per­for­mance and support its growth.

Condico ana­lyzes the merits of diver­si­fi­cation alter­na­tives and pro­vides a com­par­ative analysis of exe­cution options (e.g., make, buy, partner), iden­ti­fying can­di­dates for part­ner­ships or M&A.We translate the diver­si­fi­cation strategy to a financial plan, resulting in quan­ti­tative infor­mation for com­paring alter­na­tives and sup­porting decision making.


  • Condico’s clients benefit from rigourous strategic analyses and a 360° view on oppor­tu­nities and sce­narios: markets, partners, economics.
  • Beyond planning, Condico pro­vides hands-on business devel­opment support by con­tacting and nego­ti­ating with partners, helping to gen­erate con­crete outcomes.

Restruc­turing the company’s business port­folio can unlock resources for new invest­ments and improve performance.

Condico ana­lyzes products, assets or business port­folios and iden­tifies can­di­dates for divest­ments or trimming. Condico brings M&A expe­rience to support divestment execution.

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