IPR Strategy


  • IPR Strategy projects help Condico’s clients to under­stand how, and where, IP trans­lates into value in their business ecosystem
  • Condico’s cus­tomers benefit from our hands-on engagement iden­ti­fying ways to play the ”IP game”, being defensive, neutral or offensive in nature

Over the past few decades, the impor­tance of intan­gible assets has grown steadily. Today, intan­gible assets rep­resent a clear majority of enter­prise value for Fortune 500 com­panies . From a share­holder per­spective, IPRs cannot be ignored.

Condico works in close co-oper­ation with their clients to help them under­stand and define the role of intan­gible assets in client’s business, and how to utilize IPRs to max­imize share­holder value.

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